
Marking the centenary of the Armistice: Birdsong

"No child or future generation will ever know what this was like. They will never understand."

Birdsong, which marks the centenary of the Armistice, opens at Progress Theatre tonight (Thursday 8th November 2018) at 19:45.

Directed by Steph Dewar, the play runs from 8 to 17 November, and tells the story of Stephen Wraysford (Charlie West), a soldier who is haunted by his past. As a young man, Stephen was caught up in an all-consuming love affair with Isabelle (Steph Gunner) in Amiens, France. As World War One unfolds, Stephen finds himself pulled closer and closer back to Amiens ... back to the Valley of the Somme ...

Birdsong is a tale of love, friendship, and the horrors of war. A tale of one man's quest to understand how far mankind can go and still call itself human.

The run of the play will include a Special Commemorative Performance on Remembrance Sunday, with all ticket proceeds donated to the Royal British Legion (email for more details). Additionally, we will be fundraising for the Royal British Legion throughout the run of the play.

Progress Theatre are honoured to have been awarded two 'There But Not There' silhouettes as part of the Armed Forces Covenant Fund, which will be displayed during each performance of Birdsong. The silhouettes represent the men and women of the local community who never came home.

Book your tickets to this powerful and poignant play now: