17th Annual Writefest

27-30 September
It's back! Our popular evening of six new short plays by local writers: drama, murder, comedy both dark and light. A dramatic sampler of varied entertainment, showcasing the many talents of Progress Theatre.
The Saturday matinée is a relaxed performance, with reduced capacity.
The final running order may differ from the below.
WAR GAMES by Liz Carroll, directed by Matthew Whitney
Two evacuees meet at the same place every day to play. Their games start out fun but soon the reality of the war and their lives creep in.
- Tom: Laurence McNaughton
- Emily: Pixie Nash
THE EXECUTION CHAMBER by Arthur Burke, directed by Tom Ripper
The Execution Chamber is a situation comedy in which a mock Execution becomes a real one, until a revelation that all is not as it seems.
- Priest: Paul Gallantry
- Man: Neil Padgen
- Executioner: Flora Paulo
- Doctor: Emma Kellow
THE DEBT by Liz Carroll, directed by Aidan Moran
Brenda believes her husband has been murdered, but the police think otherwise; a dark and funny play about revenge and justice.
- Brenda Sharpe: Ali Carroll
- PC Wainwright: Pixie Nash
LUMP by Melanie Roan, directed by Ali Howarth
An unlikely comedy where 'a woman engages in witty banter with her talking cancerous breast, navigating treatment and social perceptions'
- Woman: Emily Browne
- Lump: Paul Gittus
- GP, Nurse and other roles: Declan Gray and Juliet England
Scotty by Phillip Mannion, directed by Ali Carroll
A tale told in verse of love found and lost
Of hungry actors who can’t pay the cost
Deception, revenge, wit and more
A perceptive Waitress knows the score
An elusive character by the name of Scot
And that’s the outline of the plot!
- Fancy: Freddie Meader
- Kit: Paul Gallantry
- Waitress: Donna Collins
PIE by Adam Wells, directed by Imogen Lilley
A satirical dark comedy set in the kitchen of Titus Andronicus. An uptight Chef and nervous Steward team up to bake the sons of the enemy into a pie, whilst contemplating the ethics and experience of working in hospitality.
- Chef: Damien Passmore
- Steward: Imogen Haley
- Sommelier: Juliet England
Content Warning: Lump deals with cancer. If you are concerned it may be upsetting, you can sit this play out and return to the auditorium for the rest of the programme.